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BMW Maintenance Issues

BMW Maintenance Issues

Caring for your BMW will help keep it on the road for longer. As they are precisely built machines, they must be serviced regularly.

Are there ways to tell when your BMW needs servicing? How can you detect BMW maintenance issues between services and avoid costly repairs?

At Fitch Autos, we are BMW experts and by reading this guide put together by our experts, you’ll be in the best position to know how to maintain your BMW properly.

BMW suggests regular inspections and servicing to ensure that it is running safely, to keep it lasting for years to come and hold its resale value. A properly serviced vehicle boosts potential car buyers’ confidence that the vehicle will be reliable, as it has been taken care of properly by its current owner.

Keep reading to find out all you need to know about BMW maintenance issues.

BMW Recommended Service Intervals

BMW vehicles are maintained through a condition-based service model. Instead of traditional time frames or mileage between services, BMW vehicles have onboard sensors which work out when your vehicle should be serviced next. The system monitors the condition of engine oil, filters, brake pads, spark plugs and overall engine condition.

To work out when your BMW next needs to be serviced you can enter the iDrive system which is found on modern BMWs. Inside the vehicle settings menu, the system will display either a time frame or distance until your next service. Or you can simply wait until the service light appears on the dashboard. This illuminates four weeks before the service date to give owners enough time to book a service.

BMW advises not to leave longer than two years between services and store online records of services for every vehicle in a central database. If you are unsure when the next service is due for your specific model, consult the vehicle handbook or contact Fitch Autos today.

Will My Driving Style or Conditions Affect My Service Schedule?

The conditions and the way you drive both affect BMW service schedules. As the condition-based system takes into account driving conditions, the more severe temperatures, and climates, the more likely it will need frequent servicing. The same with stop-and-go traffic or driving short distances. Harsh acceleration, braking and manoeuvring affect component wear and therefore require more frequent servicing. 

BMW will also favour smoother drivers in less harsh climates. Driving in favourable conditions will reduce the frequency of services in your BMW.

The condition-based system is an advanced setup that closely monitors driving habits and climate conditions to continuously adjust the service schedule. This ensures your BMW is always in peak health and will last for years.

How to Tell if Your BMW Needs Attention Before Servicing?

The onboard computer system monitors the electrical components and collects lots of data to check if everything works as it should. It may display a warning light on the dashboard to alert drivers that something is up.

A service light will also illuminate if the system detects that a service is due soon. The service light looks like a symbol of a car on a ramp and is usually accompanied by a “SERVICE” message.

Your BMW might still require attention if no warning light appears on the dashboard. Suspension systems for example are sometimes not monitored by the onboard computers, and if you hear knocking sounds when driving around bends or over bumps, it could indicate an issue with the suspension system.

It’s always important to listen out for unusual sounds whilst the engine is running too. Examples include a high-pitched squealing sound which indicates a belt problem that needs attention. This could mean the auxiliary belt, responsible for the air conditioning and alternator operated by pulleys may need replacing, as typically these only last 60,000-100,000 miles.

Other engine-related problems may be grouped, without an official warning light, and will simply illuminate the ‘check engine’ light. At this point, it’s best to consult experts. 

At Fitch Autos, we specialise in BMWs and can quickly diagnose the problem and give you the important news about your engine issue. We perform all of our diagnostics and repairs as it was intended by BMW and only use genuine parts when doing so.

Maintaining Your BMW Properly

You now understand how important it is to keep your BMW in optimal condition by performing regular servicing. In this guide, we have explained the condition-based monitoring system used to detect when your BMW next needs attention. Plus useful tips to work out if your vehicle needs looking at before its next service.

Fitch Autos knows the unique needs of every BMW model and our expert team is ready to help prevent issues later down the line. By being proactive and paying close attention to your BMW maintenance, you can keep your BMW running smoothly for years to come.

From time to time, your BMW will signal that it needs immediate attention before its next service. Do not ignore these signs. If you hear an unusual sound, or vibration or notice something’s not right, reach out to our team at Fitch Autos today. We are your local BMW specialists with decades of combined experience and can quickly diagnose and repair all kinds of issues to ensure peak performance and condition.

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