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audi coolant

Audi Coolant

Your Audi relies on coolant flow for optimal engine performance and maintenance. It helps prevent freezing in the winter and crucially prevents the engine from getting too hot in the warmer months. Each Audi model can use a different type of coolant, which means there is no single solution across all vehicles. Our team of Audi experts at Fitch Autos are on hand to give you the recommended coolant advice you need for a smooth-running Audi.

We take a look at the role coolant plays in your engine, why it’s important to use the correct type of coolant and understand the consequences of using the incorrect coolant in your Audi.

Let’s get started!

audi coolant

The Role of Coolant In Your Audi

Coolant is a liquid that flows through various parts of your engine bay and helps maintain optimal engine temperature. Cycling through the engine itself, coolant is pumped through via a water pump, taking the excess heat away from the engine and cooling it down when passed through the radiator. Coolant is made up of water and a component called antifreeze, which is made up of concentrated chemical additives to allow a lower freezing point, and higher boiling point, whilst also preventing corrosion of the engine components.

Why Does My Audi Need Coolant?

The main functions of coolant in your Audi are:

  • Thermal Management: When your Audi is in motion, the engine generates heat as it rotates at thousands of revolutions per minute (rpm). The coolant plays a crucial role in transferring this heat away from the Audi’s engine, preventing overheating, especially in warmer climates where engine temperatures can soar to over 120°C.
  • Freeze Prevention: In chilly winter conditions, Audis endure freezing temperatures, posing a risk of internal liquids turning into ice without the protection of coolant. This becomes essential as your Audi is engineered to operate in temperatures as low as -40°C.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Coolant with special additives reduces the likelihood of rust and corrosion on the internal components of your Audi’s engine. This practice enhances the overall lifespan of your Audi engine.
  • Protection Against Erosion: Electrolysis, a chemical process activated by electricity through a liquid, can potentially erode engine components. The use of coolant in Audis prevents such erosion during electrolysis, ensuring the longevity of engine parts.
  • Extended Component Lifespan: Quality coolant not only extends metal engine components’ lifetime but also protects rubber and plastic tubing. 
  • Effective Lubrication: Audi’s cooling system relies on the circulation of high-pressure, fast-flowing coolant. This is essential for the proper function and sealing of the water pump, allowing it to operate seamlessly and maintain optimal performance.

Your Audi is a carefully engineered vehicle and was designed to only use one specific type of coolant. If you fill it with the incorrect coolant, your engine could experience long-term damage. The same damage also occurs if you do not follow manufacturer guidelines for coolant replacement intervals.

Which Type Of Coolant Does Audi Recommend?

Coolant is different across many Audi models and years. Plus, your specific Audi engine may use different coolant than another engine type. It’s therefore essential that you use the correct coolant type for your specific vehicle. It helps maintain cooling system function, prevents corrosion and helps maintain vehicle performance.

Take a look at your Audi owner’s manual. This will be the first place we recommend finding out what type of coolant your Audi uses, otherwise, our team of Audi specialists at Fitch Autos are on hand to point you in the right direction for using the right coolant in your vehicle.

audi coolant

Coolant vs Driving Habits and Environment

In more extreme climates, your Audi cooling system needs to work harder to maintain optimum conditions, especially in high-temperature areas.

Your coolant will be flowing at a very high temperature around the engine bay in hot weather conditions. This increases the chances of overheating and component failures. When you drive at lower speeds, there’s a higher risk of overheating too as airflow into the engine bay is reduced and coolant is not as effectively cooled down as it passes through the radiators.

It’s essential that you not only use the right coolant but also the right amount, replacing at manufacturer-recommended intervals. At Fitch Autos, our specialist team know all about Audi coolant systems and can expertly recommend and replace your Audi coolant.

Coolant Choices For High-Mileage Audi Vehicles

If your Audi has driven a lot of miles, its coolant system should be monitored more closely. A specialist workshop, such as Fitch Autos, has the expert knowledge and tools required to accurately check your cooling system, replacing it where necessary.

It is always advised to change the coolant according to Audi’s recommended intervals. The system needs to be properly flushed, leak checked, topped up and bled of air to make sure your Audi engine will be kept cool during normal operation.

What Happens If I Use The Wrong Coolant?

If you use the incorrect coolant in your Audi then lots of issues may arise. Corrosion and water pump damage, seal damage, radiator damage and much more lead to costly repairs. The surrounding hoses are vital to keep coolant circulating and for optimum flow, if these are in any way compromised, due to the wrong coolant for example, then you have a greater chance of leaks, leading to insufficient engine cooling.

Any leaks from your cooling system cause a drop in flow and cooling ability in your engine. This can cause severe damage. The worst type of engine failure, a blown head gasket, is the most expensive repair too. The reason why your head gasket fails is down to the coolant and insufficiently maintaining the coolant system. As components overheat causing expansion.

How I Ensure I Use The Right Type Of Coolant In My Audi

At Fitch Autos, we know all about Audi cooling systems and the correct coolant to use for your specific vehicle. We can perform coolant replacement, testing and diagnostics to expertly ensure your cooling system is working optimally, thanks to our team of professional technicians. Whilst your Audi owner’s manual provides you with some information on the correct coolant type and how often you should replace your coolant, only our team of experts using specialist tools will be suitable in replacing it correctly to make sure your Audi lasts for years to come.

Maximum Longevity and Performance In Your Audi Engine

To maximise the performance and keep your Audi engine running optimally for years to come, consider the right coolant. Ensure it is checked regularly and the correct coolant is used and replaced according to Audi’s recommended intervals. 

As soon as you notice any coolant leaks, warning lights or overheating, reach out to us at Fitch Autos. We are available to handle any coolant issue in your Audi in a timely, professional manner.

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