OPEN : Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:30pm fitchautos@hotmail.co.uk 01543 452 630

We recently had a Nissan Qashquai in with us with a severe lack of power and multiple lights on the dashboard.

A code scan revealed the codes listed above.

Carrying out an in-depth assessment before any DPF cleaning took place, we were able to establish the causes of the DPF blocking, meaning that these could be repaired before cleaning, which would stop the DPF from blocking up again.

The vehicle was returned to our customer in full working order, with all issues resolved and the DPF completely clean after verifying the vehicle would regenerate on the road.

An assessment is massively important and we find that only half of all the vehicles we see need a clean – a lot are other issues on the vehicle causing the engine management to think the DPF is blocked.

Our assessment is £90 including VAT and could save you hundreds on unnecessary repairs.

To book yours, call us on 01543 452630 today.